Implementasi Hak Khiyar Dalam Jual Beli Online Pada Seller Shopee
Buying and selling is not only done offline, but also online. Shopee marketplace online transactions have more potential for the process of implementing khiyar rights, namely there are several factors that can allow continuing or canceling transactions. One of the users of the shopee marketplace is the shop. Buying and selling at the store can also be done with a wholesale system, this wholesale system is considered prone to errors because the goods ordered are more numerous and the process of checking the goods will be more difficult, so the risk of defective or damaged goods is greater. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of khiyar rights in the process of buying and selling products on the shopee marketplace. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. With data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Informants were determined using Purposive Sampling, namely the owner and manager of The results of this study conclude that the buying and selling process at the store includes several stages, namely the product sales process and the product purchase process. Meanwhile, the implementation of khiyar rights at the store is in accordance with several khiyars which are the focus of this research, namely khiyar conditions at the store imposing returns with several conditions that have been imposed by shopee and also the store such as the buyer receiving the goods ordered, the buyer can submit a return of goods with approximately 3 days of the shopee warranty period. Khiyar 'aib by enforcing returns if there are 'aib or defects in the goods received such as errors in size, color. Khiyar ru'yah at the shop, namely the seller applies for the return of goods, if the buyer buys goods that are received not according to the description listed on the shopee storefront. Khiyar ta'yin at the store, buyers can check the availability of goods at the storefront which includes color, size. Meanwhile, khiyar majlis at the store cannot be applied. Because there is no place or majlis which is used as a meeting place for the two parties to the contract or sale and purchase transaction.
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