Guideline and Submission
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Journal is concerned with publishing original research articles, review articles from contributors, and current issues related to Islamic Economics and Islamic Banking. The main objective of EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) is to provide a forum for international scholars, academics and researchers to share contemporary thoughts in the fields of Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, Sharia Microfinance, Islamic Banking, Sharia Insurance, Halal Industry, Zakat, Waqf, Islamic Social Financial Institutions in Poverty Alleviation , Islamic and Sharia Law in the field of Economics and Finance, Securities and Sukuk Institutions, Sharia Capital Markets, and Sharia Banking Business. In addition, it also aims to advance interdisciplinary studies in the fields of Sharia Economics and Islamic Banking Business, so that it becomes the leading international journal in the field of Islamic Banking Economics and Business in the world.
This journal publishes research papers in all fields of Sharia Banking Economics and Business such as Sharia Economics, Sharia Finance, Sharia Microfinance, Sharia Banking, Sharia Insurance, Halal Industry, Zakat, Waqf, Islamic Social Financial Institutions in Poverty Alleviation, Islam and Sharia Law. in the Field of Economics and Finance, Securities and Sukuk Institutions, Sharia Capital Market and Sharia Banking Business,
Starting in 2019, all papers submitted to the EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) journal must be written in good Indonesian and English. Scientific English writers are not colloquial or slang, they are encouraged to check their papers before submission for grammar and clarity. Submitted works are not published or the process is published elsewhere. The official language used in the EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) script is Indonesian.
Please read the EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) guidelines and follow these instructions carefully. Manuscripts that do not meet the instructions will be returned for revision. The Chief Editor has the right to return manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines.
All texts must be submitted to the EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Journal using Online Submission on the EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) Web Portal, where the author is required to register as an Author online. If the author experiences problems in registering and submitting online, please contact the editor at the following e-mail: and cc to
Manuscript Types
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) accepts shipments for the following types.
1. Regular article
Regular articles are complete investigations and original empirical research, consisting of introductions, materials and methods, results and discussions, conclusions. Original work must provide references and explanations of research findings that contain new and significant findings.
Note: Articles must be in 6 to 16 pages of journals, a maximum of 20 references, and abstracts from 100 to 400 words.
2. Review article
A review article is a critical evaluation of material about current research that has been published by organizing, integrating, and evaluating previously published material. It summarizes the status of knowledge and outlines the direction of future research in the scope of the journal. It aims to provide a systemic overview, evaluation, and interpretation of research in a particular field. The title of the script must begin with "Article Review:".
Note: The articles are about 7-10 pages long, including corresponding numbers and / or tables, and abstracts from 100 to 400 words.
Language Accuracy
EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) emphasizes the accuracy of language. It must be written in Indonesian and English in a clear and concise grammar. The author is advised that the manuscript be examined by a reputable colleague or institution. Authors must submit submissions with an Inspection Certificate from a reputable institution. As an alternative, the authors also recommend using grammar check applications, such as Grammarly.
Papers must be submitted in A4 size with two columns. 2.5 cm margin for each side and 1.5 distance along. Documents must be in MS Word format with 12-point Times New Roman fonts. For detailed formats, see Paper Templates (Click to download)
Manuscript Structure
Title & Abstract
Titles and abstracts must be in one column format with the following items:
This page should only contain the title of your writing. Title running is an abbreviated title that is used as a running head on each page of the manuscript. Running titles cannot be more than 60 characters, count letters and spaces.
Author and related author information.
This page must contain the full title of your paper not exceeding 25 words, with the names of all authors, institutions, and the name of the author, institution, and full address (street address, telephone number (including extension), cellphone number and e-mail address) for editorial correspondence. First and the appropriate author must be clearly demonstrated.
This page must repeat the full title of your paper only with Abstracts (abstracts must be less than 100 words for Regular Paper and up to 400 words for Short Communication). A good abstract summarizes the entire contents of the report, including at least one sentence per section: goals, technical approaches, results, and conclusions.
Keywords: No more than eight keywords in alphabetical order must be provided to describe the contents of the text.
Content must be in 2 columns prepared according to IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussions) along with Conclusions, References, and additional data (if available).
Introduction explains the scope and purpose of research in light of current knowledge about the subject. It should also mention the analysis of the graph which illustrates why this research is significant. The introduction of your report is structured as a funnel that starts with the definition of why an experiment is conducted and ends with a specific statement about your research approach. In published journal articles, there are at least two citations needed in the introduction that support the need for your research and experiments, or show which theory is the basis of your experiment.
The method describes how research is conducted; Include sufficient details so the work can be repeated. The method section describes actions that must be taken to investigate research problems and the reasons for applying specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information applied to understand the problem, allowing the reader to critically evaluate the validity and reliability of the entire study. The method section of the research paper answers two main questions: How are data collected or generated? And, how is the analysis? Writing must be direct and precise and always written in the past.
The results section reports what was found in the study; The results section must state the research findings arranged in logical sequences without bias or interpretation. A section that explains results is very necessary if your paper includes data generated from your own research.
The discussion section explains the meaning and importance of the results and provides suggestions for future research directions. The purpose of this discussion is to interpret and describe the importance of your findings based on what is already known about the research problem being investigated, and to explain new understanding or insight into the problem after you consider the findings. Discussions will always be connected with the introduction to the research questions or hypotheses you submitted and the literature you reviewed, but not only repeat or rearrange the introduction; the discussion should always explain how your study has advanced the reader's understanding of the research problem from where you left it at the end of the introduction.
The manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the Journal's instructions to the author.
Tables, Pictures and Images
All tables must be prepared in a form that is consistent with the latest issues of EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan) and must be numbered sequentially with Roman numerals. Explanatory material must be given in the table of legends and footnotes. Each table must be prepared on a new page, embedded in the text.
Note: When a text is sent for publication, the table must also be submitted separately as data - .doc, .rtf, Excel or PowerPoint files - because the tables that are sent as image data cannot be edited for publication and are usually in low resolution.
Send a picture or original photo. Line drawings must be clear, with high black and white contrast. Each picture or photo must be prepared on a new page, embedded in the manuscript for review to save the manuscript file under 5MB. These must be numbered sequentially with Roman numerals.
Images or photos must also be submitted separately as TIFF, JPEG, or Excel files - because images or photos that are sent with low resolution embedded in the script are not acceptable for publication. For electronic numbers, make your numbers using an application that is able to prepare high-resolution TIFF files. In general, we need 300 dpi or higher resolution for colored and half-tone artwork, and it requires 1200 dpi or higher for line drawings.
NOTE: Failure to comply with this specification will require new numbers and publication delays.
General rules about Pictures and Tables
- All Images and Tables must be numbered sequentially (eg Table 1, Table 2 etc.) and quote each in your writing as Table 1 or Figure 1.
- All tables must be referenced in the text of the paper and in the reference list.
- Each table must have an individual title. Every word in the title must be italicized and written in capital letters except with, from, inside, and, etc.
Conclusions are not only a summary of the main topics discussed or a restatement of your research problem, but also a synthesis of the main points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. For most essays, one paragraph that is well developed is sufficient for conclusions, although in some cases two or three paragraphs of conclusion may be needed.
References begin on their own page and are listed in alphabetical order with the first author's last name. Only references cited in the text must be entered. Make sure that the reference in the text (Quotation) is quoted according to the style of the quote in the APA text. All references must be in 12-point fonts and double spaces. We strongly recommend that the author use a reference manager, such as Mendeley.
General Guidelines
Abbreviations: Determine the alphabet, besides abbreviations that can be used without definition. Words or phrases abbreviated in the introduction and the following texts must be written in full the first time they appear in the text, with each form abbreviated in parentheses. Include a common name or scientific name, or both, from animal and plant ingredients.
Acknowledgments: Individuals and entities that have provided important support such as research grants and scholarships and other funding sources must be recognized. Contributions that do not involve research (clerical assistance or personal thanks) should not appear in a thank you note.
Author Affiliation: The main affiliation for each writer must be the institution where the majority of their work is done. If the author then moves to another institution, the current address can also be stated in a footnote.
Co-author: A generally accepted guideline for writing is that one must substantially contribute to the development of the paper and share accountability for the results. Researchers must decide who will be the author and the order in which they will register depends on the order of their importance for the study. Other contributions must be quoted in the Acknowledgments.
Copyright: Authors who publish journals will be asked to sign a copyright form. In signing the form, it is assumed that the author has obtained permission to use copyrighted or previously published material. All authors must read and agree to the terms outlined in the form and must sign the form or agree that the appropriate author can sign on their behalf. Articles cannot be published until the signed form (original from paper to paper) has been received.
Copyright permission: The author must look for permits needed for quotes, artwork, boxes or tables taken from other publications or from other sources freely available on the Internet before being submitted to EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Perbankan). Recognition must be given to the original source in the legend of the illustration, the table footnote, or at the end of the quote.
Footnotes: The current author's address if different from the title can be entered here.
Numbering Pages: Each page of the manuscript, including title pages, references, tables, etc. Must be numbered.
Spelling: This journal uses American or English spelling and the author can follow the latest edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary for English spelling. We recommend that authors use grammar checkers, such as Grammarly or Whitesmoke.
Submissions are accepted electronically using an online delivery system. For more information, open our webpage and click "Online Shipping".
Submission Checklist
Authors must submit the following items
Make sure your MS has followed the Arbitrator (template) style, especially the first four pages as described earlier. Articles must be written in a good academic style and provide accurate and concise descriptions of the content ensuring that grammatical errors and spelling are corrected before submission. It also should not exceed the recommended length.
Complementary documents include the following items:
COVER LETTER: All shipments must be accompanied by a cover letter detailing what you sent. Papers are accepted for publication in journals with the understanding that the article is genuine and the content has not been published in either English or other languages or sent for publication elsewhere. The letter should also briefly explain the research you are reporting, why it is important, and why you think journal readers will be interested in it. The cover letter must also include an acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly and that all authors have agreed to the paper to be released and agree with its contents. The cover letter of this paper must contain (i) the title; (ii) full name of the author; (iii) the address of the institution where the work is carried out together with (iv) full postal and e-mail addresses, plus telephone and e-mail numbers of all authors. The current address of each author, if different from the one where the work was done, must be included in the footnote. The above must be stated in the cover letter. Your submission will not be accepted until the application is received.
DECLARATION FORM: Fill in the form and be signed by the appropriate author.
Scan signed and uploaded documents as "Additional Files"
Please do not send the manuscript to the editor in chief or to another office directly. Every question must be directed to the Editor in Chief's office via email to or
Under the Journal's open access initiative, authors can choose to download free material (via PDF link) from one of the journal issues from the Exisbank website below " Current Issue "or" Archive "The appropriate author for all articles will receive one free journal hardcopy where the article is published by adding shipping costs. Additional copies of the journal can be purchased by writing to the Editor in Chief.