Analisis Jual Beli Keramik Hias Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah (Studi Kasus Pada UPTD Pengembangan Keramik Hias Di Desa Anjun Kecamatan Plered Purwakarta)
Decorative ceramics is an art craft that has existed since ancient times. Decorative ceramics is one of the commodities in Indonesia that has great business opportunities and has high artistic and cultural value. There are many people in the Anjun Purwakarta area who work as sellers and craftsmen of decorative ceramics, with a religious environment and a strong Islamic educational background, but not all business actors understand trade in accordance with the basics of muamalah. So that it allows business actors to be able to take actions that are prohibited in trade. The purpose of the study was to determine the practice of buying and selling decorative ceramics at the UPTD for the Development of Decorative Ceramics in Anjun Plered Purwakarta, to find out the sharia economic perspective on the practice of buying and selling decorative ceramics at the UPTD for the Development of Decorative Ceramics at Anjun Plered Purwakarta, and to find out the benefits of the trading system for ornamental ceramics at the UPTD. Anjun Plered Purwakarta Decorative Ceramics. The research method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. The results of this study can be concluded that the practice of buying and selling decorative ceramics can be done in two ways, first, the buyer can come directly to the place of sale or can contact the seller's number directly. Second, the buyer can contact the UPTD for Decorative Ceramics Development in Anjun village to place an order for decorative ceramics which later from the UPTD will be delivered or ordered back to the seller or ornamental ceramic craftsman. The practice of buying and selling decorative ceramics at the UPTD for the Development of Decorative Ceramics in Anjun Village, Plered District, Purwakarta Regency in a sharia economic perspective is in accordance with the pillars and conditions. Because it looks like all indicators of pillars and conditions for buying and selling muthlaq (direct), greetings and istishna have been fulfilled. The ordering system for decorative ceramics is divided into 2, namely buying and selling istishna' and greetings. The benefits of buying and selling practices that exist in the UPTD for Decorative Ceramics Development, Anjun Village, Plered District, Purwakarta Regency, can create jobs in the ornamental ceramic industry. In addition, it can maintain cultural heritage since ancient times, so that it can give birth to new generations of ornamental ceramic craftsmen. The benefit for buyers is that they can get cheaper prices if they buy more and become a means of tourism education for local and domestic tourists.
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