Perbandingan Pembayaran Pemesanan dan Pengiriman Produk Melalui Transfer Bank dan Financial Technology (Fintech) di Aplikasi Toko Purwakarta (Topur)
The development of science and technology is currently growing rapidly, society's need for information technology is increasing. One of them in Purwakarta Regency already has one of the e-commerce sites, namely the Purwakarta Store Application (Topur) which makes payment transactions using a digital payment system (mudharabah buying and selling system). This study aims to determine the object of Comparison of payment orders and product delivery via bank transfer and financial technology (Fintech) in the Toko Purwakarta (Topur) application, to determine the payment system for ordering and product delivery via bank transfer, to determine the payment system for ordering and product delivery via bank transfer. financial technology (fintech), and to find out the comparison of payment for ordering and product delivery via bank transfer and financial technology (fintech) in the Toko Purwakarta (Topur) application. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study First, payment for product orders via bank transfer in the Topur Application through three stages, namely: 1. Product ordering; 2. Product Payment Receipt; 3. Payment for Product Orders. The customer will make payment via any bank transfer according to the customer's needs. Payments for product senders via bank transfer in the Topur Application go through three stages, namely:1. Product Shipper; 2. Product Shipper's Receipt; and 3. Payment for Product Delivery. the cost of sending goods to the Indonesian post office is done in cash and is temporarily borne by the sender, later Topur will reimburse the shipping costs by bank transfer; Second, payment for product orders through Fintech in the Topur Application through three stages, namely: 1. Product ordering; 2. Product Payment Receipt; 3. Payment for Product Orders. The product buyer will place an order and a product payment receipt will appear, the customer makes an order payment through Alfamart by viewing the payment receipt. Payment for product senders through Fintech in the Topur Application goes through three stages, namely: 1. Product sender; 2. Product Shipper's Receipt; 3. Payment for Product Delivery. Payment for product senders in the Purwakarta Store Application (Topur) through the postal agent application; Third, payments for product customers who make payments via bank transfer are 64.3%, while through fintech are 14.3%, and cash payments are 14.3%, meaning that bank products are still in demand by the public. Because the payment system via bank transfer is considered more secure. Meanwhile, product delivery either via bank transfer or fintech reaches the same amount, namely 50%.
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