Pelaksanaan Program Pro Ibu Adzkia Charity Dalam Memberantas Riba Pada Bank Keliling

  • Dede Rustaman Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Hendri Tanjung Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor
  • Ibdalsyah Ibdalsyah Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor


Mobile banks are generally very helpful for the community because those who are in need of money really need money for their needs, for example for additional trading capital, school needs, to the needs of their daily life.  At first the Mobile Bank helped but in the end they made it difficult for the community, because they provided loans with large interest, so that the interest given could exceed the principal loan that we borrowed from the Mobile Bank.  This is known as Riba, namely the development of modernization.  Which has hit sharia signs and even forms of disobedience, transaction patterns that exist in mobile banks. Adzkia Charity is one of the social institutions that provides solutions to the problems above, so this journal examines the Implementation of the Pro Ibu Adzkia Charity Program in eradicating Riba on mobile banks.  The approach used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The type of research used is field research.  Based on the research that the author has done, and after analyzing the existing data, regarding the Implementation of the Pro Mother Happy Adzkia Charity Program, it is divided into several stages including the socialization stage, the screening stage, the disbursement stage and the coaching stage.


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How to Cite
Rustaman, D., Tanjung, H., & Ibdalsyah, I. (2022). Pelaksanaan Program Pro Ibu Adzkia Charity Dalam Memberantas Riba Pada Bank Keliling. EKSISBANK (Ekonomi Syariah Dan Bisnis Perbankan), 6(2), 254-271.