- Systematics of writing at least includes introduction, literature review and Hypothesis Development (for qualitative research only literature review), Research Methods, Research Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and Lists References. Thank You / Appreciation (if any) is placed after the Conclusion and before Bibliography.
- Articles are typed in 13 point letters with one line spacing on A4 paper, including for direct quotes typed in line spacing of one and with indented style.
- The Top and Bottom borders are 3 cm, while the left and right sides must be 1.9 cm.
- The article is written as efficiently as possible according to the needs, with the length of the article range from 10-30 pages.
- All pages, including references and attachments, must be numbered in the page sequence.
- Authors are advised to use the Mendeley application in writing citations and bibliography.
- Manuscripts must follow template the JAMMIAH (Scientific Journal) script writing Islamic Economics Students). Templates for authors can be downloaded here.
Article Writing Systematics
- Title, written in Indonesian and in English. Title in language Indonesia consists of a maximum of 13 words, while the title in English consists of from a maximum of 10 words.
- Abstract, consisting of 100-400 words in English and Indonesian. Abstract provides a summary of the purpose of the article, methods, results, and conclusions Abstract followed bykeywordsconsisting of 3-6 words for makes it easy to index articles.
- Introduction, contains research background, research objectives, and research contribution.
- Literature Review and Hypothesis Development, containing literatures previously associated with research and hypothesis development.
- Research Methods, contains research design or research design, objectives and research targets (population and sample), data collection techniques, research models, and analytical techniques.
- Research Results and Discussion, contains the results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answer research questions, findings and interpret findings.
- Conclusions, presenting research conclusions, research limitations, and suggestions for further research.
- Bibliography, contains the sources referred to in the writing of the article.
Tables and Figures (Graphs)
- Tables and figures are presented as efficiently as possible (only those presenting the results) and put in the script. Tables and figures are presented in the appendix is what shows the data processing.
- Tables and pictures are given serial numbers and complete titles that show the contents of table or figure.
- Reference to tables or figures should be given in the manuscript.
- The author mentions the part in the manuscript, where the table is attached or
- Tables or figures should be interpreted without having to refer to the script.
- Source Tables and Figures must be included.
- Images must be prepared in printable form.
In-text quotes are written between the opening and closing brackets that say Author's last name, year without commas, and page number if deemed necessary.
- One source of citation with one author:1
1 Muhammad Syafi'i Antonio, Islamic Banking From Theory To Practice (Jakarta: Echo Insani Press, 2001), 23.
- With two authors:2
2 Rias Sukma Larasati and Agus Endro Suwarno, βThe Influence of Using Technoligi Accounting Information and Village Officials on Management Accountability Village Fund Allocation (Empirical Study on Villages in the District of Mantingan Ngawi Tahun 2019), β National Seminar Proceedings 1, no. 01 (April 12, 2020): 316β334, accessed October 1, 2020,
- More than three authors:3
3 Agus Edy Sumanto and Dkk, A More Beautiful Insurance Solution With Sharia (Bandung: PT. Karya Kita, 2009), 400.
- More than one source of citation by different authors:45
4 Prasetyo Budi, "Islamic Law Perspectives on Franchise Business," Scientific Journal of Law and Community Dynamics 4, no. 0854 (2007): 216β223;
5 Yusuf Qaradhawi, Role and Moral Value in the Economy (Jakarta: Rabbani Press, 1995), 50.
- More than one source of citation with the same author:
1 Sugiyono, Quantitative Research Methods, Qualitative, and R & D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2017), 90.
2 Sugiyono, Quantitative Research Methodology, Qualitative and R & D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2016), 100.
- Sources of quotations that come from the work of an institution should mention the acronym of the institution concerned, for example:12
12 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Guide to Optimizing Social Media for Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (Jakarta: Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Trade, 2014), 120.
Each article must contain a bibliography (only the source of the citation) arranged alphabetically according to the author's last name or the name of the institution. Example:
One Author
Bringham, EF 1992. Fundamentals of Financial Management 6years. Fort Wort: The Dryden Press. Two to 4 Authors
Cooper, DR, and PS Schindler. 2001. Business Research Method. New York: Mc Graw Hill. Guan, L., DR Hansen, and MM Mowen. 2009. Cost Management. Mason: South Western.
More than 4 authors
Booth, WC et al. 1995. The Craft of Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Institutional Author
Indonesian Accountants Association. 2004. Professional Standards for Public Accountants. Jakarta: Division Issuance of IAI.
Gumanti, TA 2001. Earnings Management in Initial Public Offering on the Stock Exchange Jakarta. Indonesian Journal of Accounting Research, 4 (2), 165-183.
Geiger, MA, and SM Ogilby. 2000. The First Course in Accounting: Students Perceptions and their Effect on the Decision to Major in Accounting. Journal of Accounting Education, 18, 63-78.
The procedure for writing the name of theauthor is journalthe same by writing the name of the author of the book.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2000. 1996 Census of Population and Housing: Northern (Statistical Division) Queensland. Downloaded on August 19 2001,
Bond, T. 2004. ED1401: Childhood and Adolescence, week 12 notes. Downloaded on February 25 2005,
The procedure for writing the name of theauthor is journalthe same by writing the name of the author of the book.
Workshop / Seminar
Abbott, K., and J. Seymour. 1997. Trapping The Papaya Fruit Fly in North Queensland. Paper presented at the Australian Entomological Society Conference, Melbourne. Fitriany, and D. Sari. 2008. Study on the Implementation of PBL and its Relationship with Achievement Student. Paper presented at the XI National Accounting Symposium, Pontianak.
The procedure for writing the name of theauthor is journalthe same by writing the name of the author of the book.
Thesis / Dissertation / Working Paper
Utama, S. 1996. The Association between Institutional Ownership and Trading Volume Reaction to Annual Earnings Announcements. Ph.D Dissertation, Texas A&M University. Chambers, DJ 2003. Earnings Persistence and Accrual Anomaly. Working Paper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Chan, K., L. Chan, N. Jegadeesh, and J. Lakonishok. 2004. Earnings Quality and Stock Returns. Working Paper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The procedure for writing the name of theauthor is journalthe same by writing the name of the author of the book.
Plagiarism Policy
Every author who submits articles to JAMMIAH (Student Scientific Journal Sharia Economics) must make a statement that the script is free from plagiarism and is not being considered and published in other journals.
Reproduction Policy
Articles that have been published in JAMMIAH (Islamic Economics Student Scientific Journal) is the copyright of the Sharia Economics Study Program STIE Syariah Indonesia Purwakarta. For the purpose of educational, the contents of JAMMIAH (Islamic Economics Student Scientific Journal) can be copied or reproduced as long as mentioning the source of the article. Written requests must submitted to the Editor to obtain permission to reproduce the contents of JAMMIAH (Jurnal Islamic Economics Student Scientific) for purposes other than educational purposes.
Data Availability Policy
Consistent with the objectives of JAMMIAH (Islamic Economics Student Scientific Journal), the writer of the article is expected to be able to provide the data they have to those who are need it and provide information on how to obtain that data. If the article using a survey or experimental approach, then all instruments (questionnaires, cases, interview plans, etc.) must be attached.
Article Submission
The article is sent in softcopy and is accompanied by a brief CV of the author as well research instruments (questionnaires, interview results, etc.). Articles sent through JAMMIAH website (Islamic Economics Student Scientific Journal): http: //journal.sties by selecting themenu Submit Paper and going to processed using theapplication Open Journal System (OJS). Instructions for use of the OJS for authors can be seen in themenu OJS Guidelines.